Logisco Warehouse
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Consulting Engineer:
Brownlee Construction Consultants
1501 North Pierce St.
Little Rock, AR 72203-3553

Reynolds Construction
609 Godfrey
White Hall, AR 71602
Project Engineer:
S. Porter Brownlee
Re-roofing an empty warehouse is no big deal for a roofing contractor. Reynolds Construction of White Hall, Arkansas was the successful bidder to re-roof over 250,000 square feet at the Logisco Warehouse located at the Port of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. This need was created when straight-line winds hit the building creating pressures that literally lifted the roof off the building, destroying not only the roof membrane but also the lightweight insulating concrete deck as well. To make the repair work more difficult was the fact that the warehouse was filled with rolls of paper from a local mill. This inventory had to be protected while repairs were being made.
Although an experienced roofer, Reynolds had little experience with lightweight concrete. He contacted The Strong Company, Inc., of Pine Bluff, Arkansas for guidance. He knew of Strong's expertise in the manufacturing, mixing and placing of light weight concrete (over 40 years of experience). Reynolds made the right call! The Strong Company, Inc., provided its Roof Fill Material, which is a factory blended lightweight insulating concrete, specifically designed for new and replacement lightweight insulating deck construction. The Roof Fill Material was made available in 48 cubic foot super sacks. Reynolds chose the super sacks because they made for easier job site handling, mixing was simpler, as it required only the addition of water, there was less dust and they eliminated bag disposal as the super sacks were returned to Strong for refilling. Strong also provided the mixing and pumping equipment. Reynolds Construction employees were given training and efficiently operated the equipment for the duration of the job. There were 2,050 cubic yards of Roof Fill Material used on the job.
Ron Reynolds advised, "That without the system of material and equipment provided by The Strong Company, Inc., completing the job on schedule, and within budget would have been much more difficult. The system offered by the Strong Company is ideal for roofing contractors, such as myself. It is extremely practical for smaller jobs where deck repairs are required, as it would be difficult to attract a lightweight deck applicator to do the work economically and on a timely basis. I certainly will add the Strong Company's light weight concrete system to my offering every chance I have."