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Strong-Seal® Roof Fill Material


Roof Fill Material is a pre-blended cementitious mixture specifically designed for new and replacement lightweight insulating deck construction. Roof Fill Material is designed to be lightweight, fireproof, versatile enough to be applied over a variety of bases, insulating and easy to apply. 


  • Reroofing: Slope to drain systems employing Roof Fill Material and, in some cases, polystyrene board, provide an economical solution to existing flat roofs with damage due to ponding of water.

  • Substrates: Roof Fill Material is suitable for installation over most structurally sound roofing systems including concrete, metal, wood or other lightweight concretes.

Physical Properties

Bulk Density: 

Wet Density: 

Set Time:

Roof Fill 1:4

33 - 38 lbs./cubic foot

65 - 70 lbs./cubic foot

12 - 16 hours

Roof Fill 1:6

20 - 22 lbs./cubic foot

45 - 49 lbs./cubic foot

24 - 72 hours

Compressive Strength

1 Day: 

28 Days: 

Mix Water:

100 - 125 psi

300 - 350 psi

6 - 8 gallons per bag

140 - 175 psi

6 - 8 gallons per bag

Strong-Seal® Quick Level Plus


Quick Level Plus is a preblended cementitious, fast setting mixture specifically designed for leveling roof substrates where ponding or inadequate slope exists prior to application of new rigid insulation system. Quick Level Plus is formulated to allow application of rigid insulation by either mechanical fastening to the structure or hot asphalt mopping of the rigid insulation board to the surface of the Quick Level Plus, in most cases, on the same day. 

Note: Quick Level Plus is designed for direct to metal deck application. 

The design of a new rigid insulation system to remove water from an existing roof surface is predicated on the concept that the surface is level. However, the existing surface may not be level because of ponds created by compression of the substrate, deflection of the structural elements, or shifting of columns supporting the roof structures. Quick Level Plus is formulated to correct many of these conditions so that the new rigid insulation system allows for efficient water removal. 

Condition A: Existing building was designed with slope in the roof structure but over time the columns have changed their relative height and created pond conditions. Quick Level Plus can correct those ponding conditions and allow installation of a new constant thickness rigid insulation system and membrane, which will effectively shed water. 

Condition B: Existing roof system was installed as a flat but over time the structure elements have deflected and ponds have been created. A tapered rigid insulation system is designed to create slope and allow the new roof membrane to shed water. The use of Quick Level Plus insures that the existing surface is made level so that the rigid insulation system performs as it was designed. Without Quick level Plus the new tapered rigid insulation system will form the same ponds in the new roof. 

Physical Properties

Bulk Density: 

Wet Density: 

Set Time: 

42 - 47 lbs./cubic foot

80 - 85 lbs./cubic foot 

2 - 3 hours 

28 Days:

Compressive Strength

2 Hours:

1 Day: 

> 50  psi

> 250 psi

> 325 psi 

Mix Water: 

2½ to 3 gallons per bag

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